This Tournament Goes to 11: Maryland Tournament #11 Saturday, December 1st, 2007 University of Maryland, College Park ANNOUNCEMENT: The Maryland Academic Quiz Team will be holding a mirror of Iowa's This Tournament Goes to 11 that we're calling Maryland Tournament #11 on Saturday, December 1st at our College Park campus. For those of you who have not played This Tournament Goes to 11 before, this is a tournament with themed rounds that is slightly on the Academic side (although Trash makes up about 30-40% of the tournament). Each round, teams are broken up into two teams of 4 and compete on separate packets. Thus, up to eight players are playing at once for each team (although they'll be playing in two separate rooms). Packets are divided into two types. Subject packets are on specific topics like American History or Overrated Bands from the `80s. Theme packets have a relatively normal distribution, but are connected by some common theme. For example, these packets might be on answers that all contain a number. Since we realize that not all teams will be able to muster 8 warm bodies for this tournament, we'll be willing to combine teams or add free agents to teams. We are not mandating that teams compose players all from the same school either. This tournament is open to all players, including undergraduates, graduate students, high school players, coaches, and people no longer affiliated with an institute of learning. We're only in charge of editing a few of the packets, but we've been told that the difficulty will be around ACF Regionals or easier. The trash analog is likely TRASH Regionals or easier. We'll be going through the packets and picking the ones that err on the easy side for our mirror. PRICING: Because essentially two teams are playing at once, our base fee is higher than the usual tournament. +$200 – Base Fee per Team -$30 – Additional team discount -$50 – Discount for submitting a packet to us by November 3rd (see below for details), or two packets by November 10th. -$30 – Discount for submitting a packet to us by November 10th (see below for details) +$40 – Fee for committing to write a packet and not submitting it by the November 10th deadline -$5 – Discount per school for working buzzer system -$10 – Discount per school for competent moderator -$10 – Discount per team for traveling over 250 miles one way to the tournament as judged by Google Maps Minimum Fee per Team: $135 PACKETS: Please e-mail me, Mike Bentley, at mike000_at_... BEFORE YOU START WRITING YOUR PACKET. Let me know the theme of your packet and then wait for our approval of your theme. We only need a finite number of packets (and only want to edit so many of them), so this is another reason to let me know before you start writing your packet. If you commit to writing a packet, but do not submit a packet to me by the last deadline (or tell me you won't be able to write it before the first deadline passes), you will be assessed a $40 packet cancellation fee. Note that we probably aren't going to have byes for this tournament. Your packets will be used at other tournament sites. If there is time at the end of the tournament, we might have teams read their packets to other teams for fun. For packet writing guidelines, please see the original announcement at: phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4387 REGISTERING: To register, please contact me, Mike Bentley, at mike000_at_.... Please indicate your name, you school, any discounts you think are applicable to your team, and the number of players / teams you plan on bringing. Also let me know if you know if you're going to be writing a packet or not, and what the theme of that packet will be. The actual tournament will most likely be taking place in Jimenez Hall, and registration will almost certainly be from about 8:30 – 9:00 AM in one of the lecture halls in the basement. I'll have more details about the specifics as the tournament date gets closer. Hope to see many of you in December, Mike Bentley President, Maryland Academic Quiz Team
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