Michigan Academic Competitions and its alumni are pleased to announce that we will be hosting the Great Lakes TRASH Regional Tournament at the University of Michigan on Saturday, November 10, 2007. We will begin the games at 9:00 AM with tournament registration beginning at 8:30 AM. Further specific location details will be announced at a later date, but any specific logistics questions you may have right now can be included in any inquiry email. We will do our best to conclude the tournament by 6:00 PM EST. TRASH Regionals are the primary vehicle by which teams qualify for TRASHionals, so if you are interested in playing in TRASHionals, you should do your best to attend this or another TRASH regional. For specific questions about TRASH Regionals as a whole, please direct them to Mark Coen ( mcoen_bu -at- yahoo -dot- com). For questions regarding this specific TRASH Regional, please contact me, Craig Barker, at (cdbarker -at- gmail -dot- com) Pricing Structure: First team: $90 Second team: $80 Third team: $70 Fourth team and beyond: $65, with a $5 discount per team until $50 Dedicated staff: -$15 per staff member Working buzzers: -$10 per set Any team interested in playing should email the tournament director, Craig Barker (cdbarker -at- gmail -dot- com), with the following information: Your name Your school affiliation (if any) Your team's name(s) (if you don't have one, you'll get one out of the list of team names I have never been able to use.) Your contact email addresses (mostly for registrations with multiple teams) The number of dedicated staff you intend to bring (dedicated staff is defined as a person who shall staff the entire tournament as either a moderator or scorekeeper, to be assigned at the discretion of the tournament director. (However, if you have a preference, please let us know so we can make the best use of you.) The number of working buzzers you intend to bring. Any questions related to the tournament that you might have. We're looking forward to seeing as many teams as possible, however, due to logistical concerns, we are going to need to cap the number of teams at this Regional site at 18, so if you're interested, please email me as soon as possible to reserve your spot. Thank you, Craig Barker Tournament Director Great Lakes TRASH Regionals [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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