Players, Coaches, and Former Players --
People interested in being considered as staffers for the 2008 ICT
should e-mail NAQT at with the following information:
1. Whether or not they would be driving to the tournament
2. If not, which airport(s) they would be flying out of
3. Whether they would need a hotel room in St. Louis
4. An overview of their moderating experience
NAQT covers the travel and lodging expenses of its moderators, but not
their food. Note that if any team claims somebody as its moderator
(and takes the $100 discount for doing so), none of that person's
expenses will be covered by NAQT.
Most moderators should expect to be given "50/50" duty; that is, they
will read half the rounds and keep score for the other half.
If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact us at
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC