Coaches --
Due to a higher fraction of qualified teams wanting to come this year,
NAQT has expanded the field for its 2008 High School National
Championship Tournament to 176 teams (an increase of 16 from the
initial value of 160).
This doesn't completely clear the waitlist, but (as of March 26) the
waitlist is now only 10 teams long and we expect 15 spots to free up
as berths reserved for state champions are made moot or declined.
So, if you'd like to come and haven't yet registered, you should try
to be one of the next five or six teams to do so!
NAQT still intends to guarantee all teams ten games on Saturday. We
will also be announcing an overflow hotel in the near future.
If you have questions about this expansion or the HSNCT in general,
please don't hesitate to contact us at
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC