The Wofford College Quiz Bowl Team is excited to announce the first
ever Wofford College High School Quiz Bowl Tournament, which will
take place on the campus of Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC on
September 27, 2008. This will be an unofficial NAQT event, so top
finishers will qualify for the High School National Championship
This tournament is free to all teams. We only ask that you bring a
buzzer set if you can. The field will be capped at 32 teams, and we
will accept only one team per school unless we do not reach 32 teams
by September 5; at that point we will accept multiple teams from each
To register, please email Matt Cathey at catheyme_at_.... More
details will be posted to as they are finalized.
We hope you can make it!
Matt Cathey
Co-Coach, Wofford College Quiz Bowl Team