I'm trying to get a better feel for what to expect at TrashMasters
this year. So please let me know…
1) If you are definitely or probably planning to attend TrashMasters
(an all-pop-culture tournament in Chattanooga) on Sat., Dec. 6
2) If you're part of a team, or planning to attend as a free agent or
as an official
3) Whether your team should be considered novice, veteran, or
somewhere in between
4) Whether you're submitting a packet, and if so, when we should
expect it
5) Whether you plan to attend the special Sunday morning trash-themed
multimedia events
6) What your travel plans are (driving or flying? arrival/departure
And if you're not planning to attend...
7) Whether you have any interest in writing freelance questions, and
if so, if you have special subject areas of interest
Please let us know at your earliest convenience at utcquizbowl [at]
gmail [dot] com. Thanks.