Hey, I'm hearing a lot of complaining about ICT, and while I do see that a few of the problems exist, overall I had a lot of fun at a huge tournament in a really cool part of a beautiful city. I participated in D2 at ICTs, so this was my first experience at one, but I really had only a couple of complaints about the tournament. First, it would have been nice to have all the rounds in one building for the whole tournament; however, coming from a BU sized city university on the east coast with a major space shortage, I understand that stuff like that isn't easy. Second, I guess I wasn't too happy about the lack of a separate D2 packet, but this doesn't necessarily mean that the tounament sucked because of it. Other than the first round and a lit and art heavy pack on the second day, my team ended up doing respectably each round, and there were a couple of buzzer races in each round, so they weren't necessarily impossible (well, sometimes, anyway). I think D2 is more about playing people with a relatively similar level of experience as you than getting some fly PPG, anyway, and at ICT we did that. On another note, a lot of people are complaining about the abundance of Current events and trash in the packets. As someone who lives for these questions, I feel that the amount per packet is about right. Also, current events is not the same material as trash, despite what some qb players would like you to believe. If qb existed back in 1066, these people would be complaining about questions on that pointless Norman invasion of England. After all, it only occurred a few months ago. Just because a war started or a president was elected in the past few months rather than centuries doens't make it worthless trash that shouldn't be asked. I will not, however, try to argue that Britney Spears should be elevated to the same plane as Bach. I think that speaks for reasons other than time, though. I also don't remember a lot of sports trash. The only two tossups from ICT that can pop into my mind right now are Phil Esposito and the Ashes (which is really a Hitchikers guide to the galaxy question, anyway, because that's the only reason most qb players would remember it. I'm also willing to guess that many of those people who don't like sports trash cherish Douglas Adams.) Anyway, I had a lot of fun, and would like to thank NAQT and BU for a good tournament.
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