This message was originally sent by Tournament Director Jeffrey Liao to the qb list. However, it has bounced back several times. The only thing I will add is that I believe a packet swap (with Charlie Steinhice's trash tournament) is being arranged, so there should be a sufficient number of packets to hold 10-12 rounds. For any questions about the tournament, please e-mail Jeffrey (LiaoZY_at_...), except for packet submission questions, which should go to Jon So (jonso_at_...). Thanks, Adam Fine ---------- This is just an update on the JHU Trash Tournament which will be held on >Sunday, April 30th. > >Confirmed Schools: > >George Mason University >George Washington University >University of Delaware >University of Maryland -- College Park >[Rick Terpstra, Tim Young, and Phil Castagna] > >This tournament will _NOT_ be cancelled due to lack of participation, so >don't worry about signing up in advance (there will be a $10 late fee >charged for walk-in payment). We would like a few more teams, of course, >so here's your chance... > > > Sincerely, > > Jeffrey Liao <LiaoZY_at_...> > > Tournament Director, JHU College Bowl > > > >======================================================================= > REGISTRATION FORM > > The First Annual > "I Can't Believe It's Not ACF!" > Trash Tournament at JHU > Sunday, April 30th, 2000 > > >Fees: > >$50 for the first team _____ > >$40 for each additional team _____ > > >Discounts: > >- $5 for each working buzzer system brought _____ > >- $20 for each TEAM submitting a packet by the deadline* _____ > > >TOTAL _____ > > >Please make checks payable to JHU College Bowl and return this >registration form with payment to: > >JHU College Bowl c/o SAC >3505 N. Charles Street >Baltimore, MD 21218 > > >*The deadline for submitting packets is Thursday, April 20th (10 days >before the tournament). Packets consist of 25 tossups and 25 bonuses >following the attached distribution. Please email the questions as >Microsoft Word documents (preferred) or as plain text to LiaoZY_at_... >by the deadline. > >============================================================================ > >Packet Distribution (e-mail Jonathan So at jonso_at_... if you have >questions about distribution): > >Submitted packets will consist of 25 tossups and 25 boni > >3-4 sports questions (college sports, pro sports, pro wrestling, etc.) >2-3 television (about shows currently airing or off the air, may include >cartoons, game shows, sitcoms, etc.) >2-3 movies (any and all movies, from the classics to hardcore porn) >2-3 music (anything goes-please no musicals, classical music, or opera) >1-2 computers (internet sites, video games, etc.) >1-2 comic books (characters, companies, writers, etc.) >1-2 role-playing (dungeons and dragons, gurps, card games, etc.) >1-2 trash lit (books, magazines, newspapers-not including comic books) >2-3 products/companies (food, clothing, toys, transportation, etc.) >anything left is miscellaneous (tossups that don't fit into any categories >or more than one category) > >The same distribution holds for tossups and boni. Please try to strictly >follow distribution but don't worry about writing bad tossups since we >reserve the right to alter and/or replace questions as we see fit. And no >physical challenges please (i.e. FTP, buzz in now). > >============================================================================
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