Tom, your concerns have some validity; however, I
trust R. and the rest of the NAQT world to remain
impartial. I believe that I speak for a majority of the
circuit in saying this.
Also, there are many
people who for whatever reason do not want to access
Yahoo, and it is much easier to simply access personal
e-mail. Also, Yahoo has a proven record of not
maintaining 100% reliability in its posting and
up-to-dateness. The club, although a useful tool for chat and
general blather, is NOT an adequate replacement for the
Hosting the list at Iowa State (as it had
been for many years) could be seen as favoring the
Iowa State program somehow.
I also think
_at_... is a better idea for hosting the lists, for the
simple reason that much of this game is transient.
People graduate (yes, even I will someday), and even
staff members move on after 5-10 years typically.
_at_... will be around for a while, longer than most
circuit figures will be at their current situations.
So until a conflict of interest is actually
observed, I have no problem with _at_... hosting the qb,
qb-announce and hs-qb mailing lists.
Shawn Pickrell