Frankly, I don't understand the
1. There's only one person that appears to have a
problem with the mailing list being run through
so it's not like there's a storm of protest.
2. R. has never shown any bias that I'm aware of, so
what's the difficulty. When and if he does (which I'm
confident he won't), someone else will start a new
3. Conflict of interest is not an issue. Let's not
overestimate the &%*&^*^(*& importance of QB. This isn't
politics, academic journals, medical research, it's a game
which doesn't make anyone (including NAQT) any real
money, cure cancer or anything else. Somehow I think
I'll sleep at night if the list is run through
4. The QB club board is not the most convenient
forum to post messages. I can access my email a lot
quicker than I can get at these messages--which often
take a while to view. The last thing I want to see is
20 messages every time I check this. The delete
function on the email utility is so much
Nathan Freeburg