"I think the artificial stimulants award must go
to one of our Oxford team, Ian Bayley, who is
(in)famous in British Quiz Circles for ingesting a
combination of Lucozade (an energy drink) and raw coffee
granules before any tournament. He did this for the first
day of the ICT, and couldn't get to sleep (having
also drunk 4 litres of Coke) until the early hours of
the morning..."
Ahhh, yes, Ian. Who offered to
"knock me up at Hilda's" last spring. Yow, sleep is a
good thing. Mind you, jet lag might also have
something to do with it. And I'd be more impressed if he
used Red Bull...
(For the Yankees out there:
Take a can of Coke. Shrink it, then turn the liquid
red. Now pump it full of crack. That's the general
idea-- it uses some sugar that's not sucrose and
hellishly high amounts of caffeine. The only time I've ever
used it to stay up, I fell asleep, which should say
something for my tolerance).
Oh, Rob, you got your
IDs mixed up. On that side of the Atlantic, *Dougans*
is *my* lad... :)