In the spirit of our upcoming trash
I'm sure there's at least one person out there with a
good shot at this (I know for certain it's outta my
league). Everyone one else can ignore
Apparently, Rhino Records is having the Rhino Musical
Aptitude test (a one-hour test with 305 multiple choice
questions) on May 17th, 2000 at five Tower Records locations
and over the Internet. 6 winners (one at each of the
five locations + the internet winner) will receive a
JVC Home Theatre System, a DVD player, 100 Rhino CDs,
plus other stuff I forget. The person w/ the highest
score also gets a JVC 32" TV and one copy of every
Rhino release for the rest of his/her lifetime (or
Rhino's, whichever comes first). Approx. value-
The questions cover every genre except classical
(which probably eliminates more than half of us here),
but interestingly enough, you are allowed to bring
all reference materials you can possibly carry to
help you out. And I'm sure we're not lacking in
reference materials! See for details.