Okay, I (sorta) think I solved the wizard
problem--at least the problem of buzzer races I've mentioned
in my last post. If two wizards still both have
their invocation auto-answer power, then a wizard can
use his power to cancel out an automatic answer from
the other team. I.e. Tossup 20. "I hereby declare the
answer is Teenage Enema Nurses in Bondage" says one
wizard (kudos to whoever knows what I'm talking about).
But a wizard on the other team still has his power,
he can cancel out the original declaration. This way
there's no buzzer race on tossup 20. Or let's say the
second wizard already used his auto-declare--there's
still the matter of a thief stealing the bonus. So I
think we'll keep the original rule that the wizard can
use the power for the whole round.
These posts
are getting ridiculously corny. Someone go back to
ACF discussion please.