It's too bad the idea of character classes got
taken out. Trash tourneys that are held late in the
year are usually the ones where literally anything
goes,such as Texas A&M's "Anarchy Bowl," usually held in
the first week of May, but cancelled this year for
various reasons. In back-to-back years, points have been
scored by: recreating the Normandy Invasion; recreating
the Flag-raising at Iwo Jima; the fastest Chinese
Fire Drill. For those who have never attended, sorry.
Hopefully, next year, it will return. I think that
non-season oriented Trash tourneys should be full of this
sort of experimentation. Sounds fun. Wish I could
justify leaving OU's trip to College Bowl to attend.
Unfortunately, the college is paying for it, so we at least need
to show up.
David Murphy