> At the risk of starting an inane thread
(because I know we
> avoid those) I was wondering if
anyone had any good
> "geek" jokes--ones that
might relate to quiz-bowl type
It was early 1994, and campaigning was under way for
South Africa's first all-race elections. The leading
candidate for president was Nelson Mandela, the founder of
the ANC's military wing, 27 years a prisoner of the
Apartheid regime and co-winner of the previous year's Nobel
prize for peace. He took his campaign to a village in
the Eastern Cape, the region where he was born and
raised, where the local people spoke his native language
of Xhosa. A podium had been set up for Mandela under
a yellowwood tree to shield the great man from the
hot summer sun. Unfortunately, his security detail
had failed to notice that in the tree there were not
only Cape batis and fiscal shrikes fluttering about,
but also a skunk lying on a branch directly above
where the candidate was to speak. Mandela strode to the
podium, waving to acknowledge the cheering crowd. He was
about to open his mouth to address them in Xhosa, ...
but the skunk rolled down and ruptured his larynx.