I like the Joon von Neumann approach to the
subject, but there are a couple other factors too. For
instance, after the next few messages, Joon's message will
be "buried," so someone else might use the same
strategy without any attempt at Joon-screwing-over or
non-Joon-screwing-over (or perhaps it's Joon-non-screwing-over).
second complication is the apparent variety in qb
experience of this group -- what a high school player
considers relatively obscure might be "well-known" to we
the moderately fossilized. Perhaps it's just me, but
I doubt I'd heard of Trajan when I was 16, though
by now my brain is chock full of utterly useless
Trajanalia. {i.e. if I were 16 and flipped open an almanac to
find a correct answer I'd never heard of, I might pick
On another note entirely, I too would like to see
summer masters tournaments held somewhere in the south
(though I'm attending the Chicago Masters tournament this
year regardless).
--Raj Dhuwalia