You were offered trash in Las Vegas and Atlantic City. The idea crapped out. You were offered trash in Iowa. They built it, and apparently no one came. Here we go again. Announcing: CANCEL BOWL: THE THIRD TIME BETTER DAMN WELL BE THE CHARM June 24, 2000, on the campus of Boston University I. WHAT IS IT? Cancel Bowl is a quasi-guerilla style trash tournament. The "quasi" part meaning that if people want to submit packs, or if people have packs they'd be willing to let me use for trade or whatnot, we'll use 'em. Otherwise, teams are on their best behavior to write a pack, make enough copies for everyone, and bring 'em the day of the event. We'll play two 10 question halves, standings using a modified CBA/TRASH point system of 1 point for winning a half, 3 for winning the game, 5 points total. We will not break half ties, but will break game ties using a 1 on 1 shootout format. Winning team gets 2 points, loser 1 (kind of like the shootout point system Hockey East used 5 or 6 years ago, for the one or two people out there who'll understand the reference). II. WHO CAN PLAY? Teams can be from 1-4 people, with or without academic affiliation. You want to play but not alone? Let me know, and we'll try to hook people up. III. WHAT SHOULD OUR PACK LOOK LIKE? Given that a guerrila-style event will probably engender repeats, I'm asking that you write 25/25 (I'll have extra TUs on hand for shootouts). They should look something like the following: TV 3-4 Movies 3-4 Music 3-4 Sports 3-4 Lit 1-2 Toys and Games 1-2 Food and Drink 1-2 Live Entertainment 1-2 Compu-Web 0-1 Stuff 1-2 Note the following: * In the four major categories, you should not have more than one question about a sport at a certain level in the set of TUs or bonuses. Thus, you can have an NBA TU and bonus, but not 2 NBA TUs or bonuses. * At least one lit question must be on a work of general fiction, hopefully of recent and trashy nature. * "Live Entertainment" covers such things as: amusement parks, Las Vegas style games and attractions, legitimate theater, dinner theater, tourist attractions, and anything else you'd have to go see in person that doesn't naturally fall under another category. * Compu-Web should be about the world of computers other than video/computer games. Web sites, events, worldwide virus panics, and the like should go here. Questions on Quake 9, Zork 3.44^23, and the like go under toys and games. A Web-based game, like You Don't Know Jack the Netshow or the like, would be OK here I suppose. * Stuff is everything else. Wacky current events, consumer goods and products, the odd and unusual in everyday life past and present, anything I've forgotten to enumerate above. Knock yourselves out. IV. SO HOW IS THIS GOING TO WORK? We'll meet on Saturday morning, at which point you'll get a schedule. We'll play some sort of round-robin, after which there may or may not be playoffs (I'll probably write a final round, but we'll see how it goes). This will be clearer as we get closer to the event. (But wait, there's more- see part 2)
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