1st: State College Area High School PA (12-0) 2nd: Eisenhower High School MI (9-3) Semifinalists: Dorman High School SC (8-3) and Riverdale High School TN (7-4) Congratulations to these teams and all the competing teams for their outstanding performance this weekend. The Final Four teams earn automatic bids to the PACE NSC 2001 tournament, tentatively scheduled for the weekend of June 15-17 at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. More information on the tournament will More complete results and statistics will be made available at a later time. A copy of the program booklet can be viewed at <a href=http://www.cwru.edu/orgs/trivia/pace/program2k.pdf target=new>http://www.cwru.edu/orgs/trivia/pace/program2k.pdf</a> . Items will be updated on the PACE web site on a piecemeal basis. In addition to those who helped supply questions for the tournament, I can't thank the people who volunteered to staff the tournament this weekend enough. You all really helped make this tournament memorable and much easier for Dave and me to run, and it would not have been a success without your professionalism, enthusiasm, and support. Thanks for your patience in putting up with David and me through the weekend, and I hope that you'll be able to make it to make next year's competition at BGSU even better. I want to acknowledge special contributions by: Jessie Connally Ahmed E. Ismail Samer T. Ismail Tricia Southard & The Mystic Order of Bavarian Monks P.S. 1. Each team and each staff member will receive an electronic copy of the questions used this weekend, as soon as I have a chance (grant due June 15 that I've woefully fallen behind with writing and shuffling the right paperwork for). 2. Opinions regarding the tournament or PACE should be sent by email to me <etc_at_...>. Noting again that I have a grant due, please keep your remarks as succinct as possible. :) 3. I have to recheck my notes, but the Most Humorous Answer award (post hoc) goes to "G.I. Jane" when the answer desired was "Anne (Shirley) of Green Gables". This answer was supplied IIRC by Ben Neale of the Governor's School for Government, an incoming freshman at the University of Chicago. The text of the question will be available on request (again... seeing notes on my grant-writing above).
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