What the hey -- I might as well do one. Entries
go to ers_at_.... Don't forget, Philly Experiment 6
is coming up August 19-20. Now, for the esteem of
all your colleagues, name:
1. A named star not
part of the alpha, beta, or gamma of its constellation
(and not the Sun).
2. Any alphabet or syllabary
other than Roman, Greek or Cyrillic
3. Any
Sherlock Holmes story written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
not a novel
4. Any French province (not
departement) not Ile-de-France
5. Any portion of
segment of Saint-Saens' "Carnivale des Animaux" not the
introduction or finale.
6. Any belief stated in the
Nicene creed except for believing in one God, the father
almighty, creator of heaven and Earth.
7. Any
republic of the Russian Federation not Chechnya.
Any Federation starship larger than a Runabout not
named Enterprise.
9. Any varietal grape of
species v. vinifera not merlot.