1) Are you near Austin or College Station? Both
Texas and Texas A&M have active programs, and I'm sure
would be happy to help out a bit, if you approached
them. UT Dallas used to as well.
2) For some
resources, check out The Maize Pages at:
<a href=http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/maize/index.html target=new>http://www.umich.edu/~uac/mac/maize/index.html</a> They have lots of resources, mostly aimed at
College teams, but they can be useful for H.S. level
3) For practice questions, check out The Stanford
Archive (which can be reached from The Maize Pages above)
which contains LOTS of questions, many of which would
be appropriate for H.S. level practice.
NAQT <a href=http://www.naqt.com target=new>http://www.naqt.com</a> contains some H.S. level
resources as well, and since they provide questions for
H.S. level play, they may be a good place to
Hope that was of some help!