About a week before the Mad City Masters
tournament (Madison, WI) here is a brief note that room
remains in the field for late registrants -- either full
three-person teams who could still throw together a packet by
the 6th at latest, or for, at this point, up to two
free agents who would NOT need to submit any questions
to play. The field right now is 11 teams, two of
which are currently two-person teams that wouldn't mind
adding a third player, and that already have their
packets submitted.
I am also hoping to add at
least one more volunteer moderator to the tournament
staff. Contact me if any of the above is of interest.
ehillema_at_.... The original tournament announcement is at
<a href=http://www.student.carleton.edu/orgs/quizteam/MadCity.html. target=new>http://www.student.carleton.edu/orgs/quizteam/MadCity.html.</a>
Eric Hillemann