Hi, everyone. Because we announced our high
school tourney so early, and because it conflicts with
TRASH Regionals, and because, as a team, we would much
rather play TRASH instead of holding a high school
tourney, and because we still need the money the high
schools bring in... (pause for breath)... I need some
help. Although the Yahoo! calendar does contain some of
the contests being held in October, I know it doesn't
have them all. If you are holding, or know about, a
tournament that's being held on the weekends of either
October 14th or 21st of this year, please let me know.
I'm hoping we can avoid any conflicts with regional
contests, but we need money in order to attend those
contests. The fund-raising necessity would overcome our
need to compete. Except in TRASH. Which we are
devotees of. And notice that even Comp teachers end their
sentences with prepositions sometimes. Thanks in advance
for your help, and see you at "The Burns," which has
become part of my 2000 Tour of Great Socialist Leaders'
Birthplaces in the United States. See ya.
David Murphy,
University of Oklahoma Academic Team