I overall had a great time at the tourney, but that does not make it without its faults.1) The 2 p.m. start was unfortunate. Florida bailed before the playoffs, and if James Dinan was not local, there would not have been enough teams left to execute the playoff system in place.2) I hated the playoff system. My team and the team that finished ahead of us both were 9-1. We beat them head-to-head. We were seeded second due to the system, and had to play them in the first round of the playoffs. (Quick aside...1 played 2, 3 played 4. Winner of 3-4 played loser of 1-2. Winner of that game played winner of 1-2 for the championship.) I don't have it in front of me, but we were only about 200 behind them in total points. A head-to-head win should outweigh a 20 point a game difference. As the system was, we beat them in the first round of the playoffs, they beat a team missing a player in the losers bracket, and we had to play them again. Therefore, we had to beat them three in a row to win the tournament. If we had lost in the final, we would have been 2-1 against them and losers of the tournament. I like trying new things, but these systems need to weigh won-loss and head-to-head much greater than points.3) I can't believe I'm saying this as well, but lit was underrepresented. I understand Shawn had to do a ton of work for this, and I commend him for his efforts. The questions were a ton of fun to play on, but tested areas that experienced players knew very well.4) Staffing, etc. was generally good. The music round was a nice touch, if time was not such an issue, it would have been much more fun.5) I don't think bonus sinking had a real bearing. The one-person team could have really manipulated the system if he/she so chose, sinking anything they couldn't 20 or 30. That never came to pass, but it's something to keep in mind.Overall, I had a great time, was impressed with the strength of the field, and look forward to CP3.Phil Castagna
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