First, kudos to Shawn and company on a fun
weekend. I had an excesively good time at CP, despite my
hefty 3 ppg. ;)
So I'm running an IM tournament
this fall. Last fall, the IM tournament was, for the
most part, the people who showed up every week, plus
someone's roommate or somesuch. In essence, a wildly
expensive practice with a clock. Since the goal of running
such an event is to get the non-qb folks on campus
involved, even for just one afternoon, I didn't percieve
the smallness as a positive thing.
So I ask--
those of you who are more experienced than I (and
that's just about everybody)-- how do I drum up
attendance a bit, make this a little more fun? I know CWRU
has had bigger IMs in the past, and I believe the
interest is still there. Note that we're planning a one
day event, rather than a whole series of matches. In
light of that, any words of