Just adding to Allison's comments:
My own
experience with IM tournaments: at Duke in my time, we ran
on one day, and each year we had 12-16 teams
competing. Our publicity was the usual flyers around campus
at strategically placed locations (including near
the graduate schools), word-of-mouth, and cajoling
friends and dormies. Prizes: went to our bookstore, wrote
a letter asking for prizes for the IM tournament,
and their acknowledgments would be greatly
appreciated (which I have done a few times at CWRU: but you
can only ask for so many coffee table books). Rules:
At Duke and at CWRU, I have always insisted any of
our regular members each play on separate teams with
the exception of incoming freshmen.
Of course,
as it had been me running the IM tournament for the
past number of years, I (and when he was around,
Marty) cannot commit myself (ourselves) to doing this
for more than one day (not to mention the fact we run
three high school competitions and help out at
three/four others each year). With our core of interested
people going up to about 4-5 (not including teammates
who occasionally attend practices), we have a few
more options.