Shawn replies: "I wish to know
ancedote related below is not for the faint of tummy. Read
at your own
Well, my brother is in vet school at Michigan State.
Last year, his class was doing a large animal
rotation, or, at any rate, some large animal class. The
professor took them out to see the patients in the barn (a
rather gross prospect in itself). One of them was a
really valuable dairy cow who'd gotten a sinus infection
after dehorning. For those of you who never played Beef
Bowl, apparently cow horns are both hollow and
connected to the sini; someone'd botched the dehorning job
and let nasty bugs into this poor cow's head. So,
they had to drill into poor Bessie's face to drain the
pus etc. and let it heal. However, a problem... They
needed to find something sterile to plug the holes with,
but which could still be easily changed by some poor
student. The upshot: The prof dispatched a female student
to the local convenience store to pick up a package
of tampons. :)