I tend to agree... should we ban all question
topics that bother anyone, now? I mean, the poems of
Sylvia Plath offend me, so is it cause for complaint
when they ask questions about them at a tournament?
Now, if they were putting rap questions in the place
of non-Trash questions, I could see the problem. But
I assume that the question writers chose to put the
questions in the "trash" slots of the packets, and I don't
see any way to argue that rap is not a part of
popular culture.
Also, I don't see the distinction
between Trash questions in primarily academic tournaments
and Trash questions in Trash tournaments -- is there
some kind of unwritten rule regarding the "caliber" of
trash subjects in academic packs? I had assumed that
those questions could be anywhere in the general range
of trash, ranging (let's say) from the Beatles to
disco, or from "Citizen Kane" to "Battlefield Earth." If
I'm wrong on this, would someone please correct me?