Last time I checked, good music vs. bad music was
a matter of opinion, not some fixed scale of
quality brought down from on high. Regardless of whether
one personally likes rap or not (I've learned to have
some appreciation for some rap, after living with
someone very into rap for a year, but I certainly don't
consider myself a fan and definitely don't know enough to
get a question on it), just turning on your average
top 40/new music radio station will show that rap is
there. While I agree that there was too much rap vs.
other forms of "TRASH" music in this question set, I
definitely think that it has a place in the TRASH
requirement of regular packets, and it most certainly has its
place in TRASH packets. So, I can understand an
argument about having too much rap relative to its
presence in the music community, but to argue that it has
no place because "It sucks" is just pushing an
individual value judgment onto the quiz bowl
Steve Lawrie