Let me try to take a little heat off Jason . . . How about something even more controversial but perhaps more meaningful. What do you all think of the presidential campaign? Im a liberal, all my friends are liberals, as is my entire family. Id love to hear some more opinions. The other day I saw a GWB campaign commercial. A line was it takes guts to say that not every child in this country can read. I thought to myself, what the hell, how does that take guts to say, is there a pro-illiteracy voting bloc? Upon further reflection I threw up the rest of the lining of my stomach when I thought that GWB is functionally illiterate himself, when asked what his favorite books were everything he listed was kids' stuff.* His claim to have read a book about Dean Acheson was belied by his inability to show he he had learned anything meaningful about the subject at all. I think the reason GB the Younger talks so much about education is because Texas looks pretty good in that catefory right now, but GWB isnt any more responsible for any success in Texas schools than Bill Clinton is for the healthy economy. Im not from Texas, but wasnt Ross Perot actually the person who got the state to adopt tougher standards in the early 1980s, and wasnt Texas doing very well under Ann Richards? George Bush the Younger is taking credit for things other people did, and it makes me furious. I could write so much more, dont even get me started on the environment, the only issue I really care about and GWB is terrible in that category. Handwritten notes have surfaced from GWB to oil companies asking them to write their own regulations. And global warming! IMO, no other issue is nearly as important as global climate change, and it is hardly being addressed at all. Jeffrey Bennett [hey, we weren't talking about qb before anyway]
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