Alright -- while the attempted change of thread was a nice idea, the political thread is even less pleasant to read than the previous one. With regard to the earlier thread, I don't think it's really necessary to debate the artistic merits of rappers or Yanni or whatever else. As a (perhaps mediocre) example, I have no great affinity for Samuel Richardson novels (having sifted through 900+ pages of Pamela in grad school -- thankfully they didn't assign Clarissa!), but I won't argue against their inclusion in a tournament, regardless of my opinion of their artistic merit. I understand the argument of whoever it was that first complained about the inclusion of rap questions, but I wouldn't agree with the complaint in this case. As long as the bulk of the questions are well written and are roughly in line with the distribution laid out by the TD, then I think anything is fair game for the miscellaneous category. I recall being a bit annoyed years ago at a CBI tournament after getting a tossup on the Forever Your Girl album by Paula Abdul ... in addition to the obvious embarassment of admitting I knew the answer to that, it was one of many trashy questions in the round and the tournament. The question sets didn't provide good material for competition between a couple of pretty good teams, and the Paula Abdul question seemed typical of the whole set rather than an exception. However, that criticism certainly doesn't apply to the Chicago Open questions, which were (I thought) excellent, and which were in the prescribed proportions. And even the "trash" questions were well written -- I certainly didn't mind losing a singles tiebreaker to (a very polite) John Nam on a golf question, since both the round as a whole and the tiebreaking tossup were well written. Besides, virtually anything is fair game at a masters tournament. Enough of that. I very much enjoyed the tournaments in Chicago this weekend, and I look forward to competing against some of you this fall. [[And please, pretty please with sugar on top, don't start a new thread arguing about the merits (or lack thereof) of Paula Abdul or Samuel Richardson.]] --Raj Dhuwalia
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