I can understand if people don't want
mediocrities to be the subject of quiz questions in academic
tournaments*, but since when is the quality of one's work the
standard for whether it belongs in trash?! Milli Vanilli,
for example, is vintage trash faire almost exactly
because they are so disgraced.
Other arguments
advanced in both sides of the rap controversy are poor,
almost embarrassing. I assume that "rap is not
music[al]" is offered a bit tongue-in-cheek. If not, then
the Giants refute this notation whenever they play
"The Next Episode" (Dr. Dre, _Dre 2000_) as Barry
Bonds bats in the first inning.
"exploitation"** and "racism" arguments are on thin ice, on both
sides, especially since nobody had mentioned race
(unless my reading skills are shot) before the latter
accusation came up. If I were black, I imagine I'd be more
offended by the notion of rap as inherently black than I
would be by the notion of rap as inherently sucky. Then
again, I'm not black, so what do I
*- If one holds this view, then either one's
academic packs contain no "trash" at all or the trash
content is itself severely limited.
**- Even
serial killers are sometimes asked about in quiz bowl
despite -- actually, because of -- the depravity of their