Rob writeth:
<<It's called "The
Weakest Link", and starts with 9 contestants (who haven't
met before the show). They answer questions in turn
for increasing amounts of money (20, 50, 80,
100... up to 1000) which is credited to a team total
(i.e. for all nine players - it's a bit like WWTBAM but
in turn). You can bank before your question, which
removes the risk of losing the current
Samer replies:
<I would assume, then, that
the disadvantage to doing this would be (a) a greater
likelihood of being booted, and (b) that you can't win money
as quickly if you bank
The trick is to seem good (so don't hesitate, etc.)
but not so good as to seem like a major threat. It's
going to be a strange game, but has cult
For those of you familiar with UK shows, it's being
described as Fifteen-to-One meets Big