2000 HIGH SCHOOL CELEBRITY SHOOT BIOGRAPHY TOURNAMENT CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY CLEVELAND, OHIO TENTATIVELY SET FOR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2000 This is as a preliminary announcement to all interested teams that the High School Celebrity Shoot Biography Tournament at Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland OH) is scheduled for Saturday, October 28. This tournament is open to any and all high school academic teams regardless of geographical origin, including Academic Decathlon and "quiz bowl"-style teams. We strongly encourage alternative educational programs such as charter schools and homeschool organizations to participate. This date is dependent on the availability of rooms at CWRU (which we cannot secure until our fall semester has begun). The format of this competition can be found on our web page at <a href=http://www.cwru.edu/orgs/trivia/hsbio/ target=new>http://www.cwru.edu/orgs/trivia/hsbio/</a> . Please note that the innovative game format will not use buzzer systems, and the focus of the tournament will consist solely of biography identification in academic and non-academic areas. Questions will be written in-house for the HSCS, which celebrates its 5th anniversary since its creation. A grant application is in process to the Martha Holden Jennings Educational Foundation to secure cash prizes to the top 4 teams and the top 4 individuals, as we have done since 1996. Furthermore, the top 4 teams will each receive one free entry into the 2001 High School Celebrity Shoot Biography Tournament. The entry fee for the tournament is $50 for the first team of exactly four students (no alternates), and $5 for each additional individual (or $20 for each additional team). A discount of $20 is applied if you notify the Tournament Organizers of your intent to register at least one complete foursome by Friday, September 29. For information about the format of the tournament or to tentatively register your team, please notify me by email at etchuck_at_... . Please note that while students are free to contact us for more information, we request that coaches/advisors should register their academic teams for the competition. P.S. Please note that HSCS is usually scheduled opposite the October administration of the ACT, since that is the only weekend CWRU does not have admissions/recruitment programs ongoing during October.
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