OK.... This time back to the basics: seven
answers, no screws.
[The only difference is in
scoring: if N people give the same answer, each person
will receive N^2 points for that question (3 people =
9 points), and the seven scores will be summed
rather than multiplied.]
Entries should be
e-mailed to me at <samer_at_...> no
later than 5 PM next Wednesday, August 23,
1. An antibiotic.
2. A Supreme Court justice
appointed since 1950.
3. A play by Eugene Ionesco OR
Samuel Beckett.
4. A psychological defense
5. A musical work by Ralph Vaughan
6. An NFL team that did NOT make the playoffs last
season (i.e., 1999/2000).
7. An actor/actress who
appeared in the same role in TWO or more seasons of "The
These should all be straightforward, but if you have
any questions, e-mail me.