The Academic Competition Club at the University
of Delaware is proud to announce the Baby Hen 2000
for Saturday October 7th. The Baby Hen 2000 will be
hosted on the beautiful University of Delaware campus in
Newark, Delaware.
This is a non-submission
tournament as we are using NAQT juniorbird questions. The
rules will be modified NAQT and it will be untimed.
Eligibility is limited to players in their first and second
years of college only, no expections. While this rule
limits who you may bring, it provides a great
oppertunity for your new players.
Base fee : $70
Additional Team Discount : $10
Moderator Discount : $10 each
Working Buzzer Discount :
$5 each
Travel Discount (over 275 miles) :
Minimum Amount : $40 per team
If you have any
questions, e-mail David Balseiro at 18059_at_.... Hope to
see you on the 7th.
David Balseiro