<<<<Does anyone know if there will be
a Nittany Bowl this year, and when? I didn't see
one posted to our calendar. October looked pretty
full, save the 21st, which is the Saturday I think I'm
going to host an NAQT tourney at the high school I
teach at. Any info on this is
I can't speak for Penn State, but I do know that
Cornell is planning on officially announcing (in the next
2-3 days, when everyone is settled in their new
apartments) the return of the Big Red Royal Rumble in Ithaca
on the 21st. Details will follow shortly, but it
will be an untimed, question-submission tournament of
moderate difficulty. Anyway, since I am not the tournament
director, I should probably let Anwar speak more on the
matter. Expect an official announcement from Anwar in a
few days.