This is a (somewhat belated)
official announcement for the Summer of Kleist Memorial
Tournament, to be held at the University of Michigan, on
Spet. 23, 2000. The tournament will be in the ACF
style, with all questions being written by members of
the Michigan team. Costs will be $80 per team, with a
$10 discount for working buzzers and a $15 discount
for moderators who can find their ass with both hands
and a roadmap within 30 seconds. Buzzer and moderator
discounts are contingent on us actually
needing them,
we'll let you know at least three days in advance.
Detailed directions to the tournament building, where you
should park, and stores that will sell alcohol to minors
will follow when you sign up. Oh, and we're thinking
about an All-Star Game played on The Official Worst
Packet Ever Written, so when you sign up, include the
worst tossup and bonus you have ever heard, at practice
or officially. No CBI questions, please. Direct all
correspondence regarding this tournament to this
nerinjer_at_.... Thank you, and we hope to see you in
Noel Erinjeri