It is my pleasure to announce an open trash quiz bowl tournament called FOGHAT (Face-Off Gauging High Achievement in Trash) to be held on October 15, 2000 at the beautiful campus of the University of Missouri-Rolla (located oddly enough in Rolla, Missouri). This is the day after Live Aid/Rollapalooza, the open academic tournament to be run by the UMR Academic Competition Organization. Since you are already coming to Rolla, stay for the trash. What follows are answers to some questions you might have about FOGHAT... Who is running FOGHAT? Two alumni of the University of Missouri-Rolla Chemical Engineering Department, namely Chris "Partho" Taylor, who currently makes nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons accessories for Honeywell and little ol' me, Jeremy White, an engineer for Quaker Oats. I am serving as tournament director and writing the pop culture and NASCAR questions. Chris is writing questions on the various less important sports. The UMR ACO will be coordinating the logistics at Rolla and providing some of the game officials. What's the format? Presumably a round robin followed by a playoff of some type. Exact details will be published once field size has been determined. Questions are being written by Jeremy and Chris and will consist of trash toss-ups and bonus split up roughly evenly between the five major trash categories: film, TV, music, sports and all else trashy. Who is eligible to play? It is an open tournament, so anyone can play (well, except the tournament authors). What will it cost? The team fee will be $60, but we will offer a $10 discount if your team brings a buzzer system or competent moderator (maximum of two $10 discounts per team). Just so you are aware, I plan to have lunch brought in to keep the tournament moving along (especially as it is on a Sunday) and would request each participant contribute $5 to having that brought in. If you find that unreasonable or offensive for some reason let me know, but for the moment plan on contributing $5 for lunch. What if I cannot find a team? E-mail Jeremy (jmwhite_at_...) and he will be happy to play "matchmaker". Will Jeremy be providing a hearty breakfast of high quality Quaker Oats products? Of course. Will Chris be bringing samples from his worksite? I certainly hope not. Are there mirror sites if I am unable to make it to beautiful Rolla, Missouri? None firm yet, but the other Live Aid sites have been offered the opportunity to mirror FOGHAT and have first priority. If you are interested in mirroring FOGHAT please let me know and we will try to work something out. Prizes: They will be given and they will be trashy. How do I register or ask questions not answered here? Send an e-mail to Jeremy ( jmwhite_at_... ). Are you through yet? Yes. Thanks and I hope to see you at FOGHAT, Jeremy M. White Chemical Engineer, Quaker Oats R&D
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