A copy of the official invitation to compete at
any of the three high school tournaments at Case
Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio) is now
posted online at
<a href=http://www.cwru.edu/orgs/trivia/hs2000.pdf target=new>http://www.cwru.edu/orgs/trivia/hs2000.pdf</a> . If you are interested, please read the
invitation, fill out the invoice, and return the printed
invoice with a check and your tentative roster of
students (if known) to the CWRU Trivia Club mailing
If you have any problems with the form, please
notify me. Thank you.
--- etc.
Registration is currently open for High School Celebrity Shoot
on October 28. Buzzerpalooza registration will open
November 15, and Great Lakes Regional registration will
open January 1. Do not begin to ask us questions on
Buzzerpalooza or Great Lakes until these stated deadlines.