New Contest Email answers to clydesthpurcelljr_at_... Points are scored as follows (Degree 0f difficulty multiplied by point value)+ one tenth of number of correct answers given(For any question you answer correctly) DD=Degree of Difficulty, PV= Point value 1) Which person born in 1843 and author of the book Lay Down Your Arms, was influential in convincing Alfred Nobel to set aside a Prize for peace. DD=1.275 PV=14 2) Given the two clues, name the disorder. Clue #1 A disease characterized by the wasting away or atrophy of the body or a part of the body. Clue #2 Tuberculosis of the lungs. No longer in scientific use. DD=1.30 PV=15 3) Who held the world record for the female javelin before the new model was introduced, threatening the world heptathlon record of Jackie Joyner Kersee. DD=1.30 PV=15 4) What is the weathering of a glacier by surface melting, or rock weathering by hydraulic erosion. DD=1.0 PV=8 5) What is a corrosive poisonous crystalline acidic compound present in coal tar and wood tar that in dilute solutions is used as a disinfectant. DD=1.15 PV=10 6) What are the supporting cells of the mammalian testis that surrounds and nourishes developing sperm cells. DD=1.10 PV=11 7) What law portrays the amount of radiation emitted by a blackbody as theoretically determined by its temperature. It is an equation that produces a curve, which illustrates that the warmer a body is, the greater is its blackbody emission at each wavelength and the shorter is the wavelength at which emissions peak. DD=1.30 PV=15 8) What fraction of a second is a quadrillionth? DD= 1.00 PV=6 9) Which American writer, whose novels and short stories chronicled changing social attitudes during the 1920s, a period dubbed The Jazz Age by the writer himself. He is known for his novel Tender Is the Night (1934), which depicts disillusion with the American dream of self-betterment, wealth, and success through hard work and perseverance. DD= 1.15 PV=12 10) What countrys national anthems music was done by Robert Charles Lightbourne, and words done by Reverend Hugh Braham Sherlock. Adopted 1962. DD= 1.20 PV=13
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