To the group as a whole, but especially to Kenny
at Cornell since my actions screwed his us
I can't offer anything more than my apologies for
the moving of Puppy Chow to the 21st. I realize that
moving a tournament hinders everyone else trying to plan
events, but I assure you that this was an entirely
unaviodable occurence.
It especially burns me because
I've tried so hard to avoid things like this
happening. Moving the event was the last thing that I wanted
to do, and there was no way to avoid it's
I can assure anyone planning events that all of
ours have been solidified from this moment on. Our HS
tournament, the Bay State Quiz Bowl Classic, will be December
9th. Our invitational, Terrier Tussle X, will be
February 3rd. That is all.
Jon Couture
College Bowl