So sayeth Nathan: "Something which had puzzled me is why in QB Kleist is always equated with Michael Kolhaas as the giveaway and why that is the only Kleist work ever asked." Usually, the cynical nature within me looks at something within quizbowl and determines that one of five things is true: (1) It's CBI's fault. (2) It's ACF's fault. (3) It's NAQT's fault. (4) It's Maryland's fault. (5) It's Benet's fault. Once I've eliminated these usual suspects, I actually consider the question more thoroughly. The reason I bring this up is because, at least as far as it has entered my consciousness, the Kohlhaas-Kleist connection *is* Maryland's fault. Here's the story: On April 1, 1999, Maryland published an April Fool's joke saying that a splinter faction of theirs had taken over and re-affiliated the school with CBI. Among the reasons cited by the article was this (obviously contrived) incident within practice. At a freshman practice, the question ended with " of Michael Kohlhaas" and went unanswered. A veteran at the practice (whose name I can't remember but who I believe I recognized as having been at Colorado at some point) chastised the freshmen for not knowing a categorical list of every work by Kleist and demanded that they memorize that section of Benet's for the next time. Then, a freshman stumbled upon the white-and-yellow, and described actually having heard of the answers, such as 'banana' (the curved yellow fruit question). The incident ends with the freshman being interviewed, and saying, "I bet Kleist ate bananas." This was the first time I had heard of Kleist. That connection enabled me to learn Michael Kohlhaas and get it at ACF Nationals. Now, I know of a second work of his (yay), and thus it builds upon itself. All starting with a little self-deprecating work the Maryland team foisted upon us. Andy Goss
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