Hey folks, I briefly interrupt what has been a fascinating discussion of Mr. Kleist (whom I never fully appreciated until I was shown the light by Mr. Berdichevsky and my teammates) for what qualifies as as close to we come to a public service anouncement. Anyway, I hope you're all settling back nicely into the college life and the qb world in general, pulling us out of the summer and into a season of invitationals and whatnot. Anyway, I want to keep Maize Pages at the forefront of your needs as a directory of the QB teams of the world (we are international, darn it!) but I can't do that without your help. If you could please, just take a moment, look over your school's information, and see if it's all correct. If it is, do nothing, since that will save on bandwidth, but if something needs correcting, please let me know as soon as possible. We keep adding new teams almost week (we're up to 111) and any team that's saying, hey, we should be listed there, then well, yes you should. Also, new grad students who have moved on to browner pastures and want to serve as the bastion of qb light in an ocean of indifference (same goes for you young bucks UGs who come from strong HS programs), let me know, we'll get ya listed, no problem. Congratulations, welcome back (unless you go to school in Chicago and environs, in which case, enjoy the end of summer!), and help me continue to attempt to help you. CDB O&O: TMP
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