Excuse me? I am from the University of Maryland
and I don't appreciate being called a F*****. I have
done nothing I know to deserve this comment from you,
and I am sure that other members of Maryland didn't
deserve being called a F***** by you. It seems like you
are holding a grudge against Maryland people by your
tone. If it's for the fact that you were treated "damn
rudely" at ACF Nationals, first please realize that not
everyone who helped out or moderated there was affiliated
with the University of Maryland so it could've been a
person from another school who treated you "damn
rudely". Second, if you had a complaint, you should've
talked to the TD of the tournament or maybe posted
something on the mailing list. Why complain about it almost
6 month after the fact? What does that prove? I
really didn't appreciate your comment, and I hope you
don't judge a group of people by individual actions
that you perceive to be insulting.
for myself only,
Andy Hu