People keep saying there should be less hostility
on the quiz bowl list. What's the fun of that? This
last thread as entertaining as a monkey knife
fight--better, even, because monkeys don't try to maintain a
veneer of civilization when they're assaulting each
This is my first post to the message
board, after having read much of it, and it takes the
form of a plea. I need entertainment. Please keep
calling each other racist for not liking rap, and then
going on for days with reciminations and explanations.
Please insult the academic habits of each other, and put
S*T*A*R*S between letters of words as an ironically
childish means of emphasis. Please randomly accuse each
other of sexual harassment. If somebody unknown posts a
message to the board, doubt the existence of said person.
(Do I exist? Or am I Andy Goss in disguise? You'll
never know.) If somebody from one team offends you,
curse out the entire team.
And most of all, never
post anything remotely related to quiz bowl, because
those posts are just freaking
Respectfully Yours,
David Smith