Well, we're late on this, but we've been kind of
The University of Oklahoma is proud to
announce that it will be hosting the Trash regionals
competition for this area on Sunday, Nov. 5. We have to hold
it on a Sunday because we're having our high school
fundraising tournament on Saturday -- and if anyone would
like to help out, please contact me because we're
going to need it. Details will be forthcoming, but we
will try and have the competition end early enough in
the day so that those teams that need to drive long
distances won't have to leave after four or five in the
afternoon. The official contact person is Kendall Jackson,
whose e-mail address is Kendall.W.Jackson-1_at_.... He
will keep you aware of times, prices, etc. when
they're available. Please note that I will be playing at
this thing, since I'm going to need a break after the
previous day's festivities. Good luck to
David Murphy