I'll move into traditional flame topics that are
slightly more traditional ground.
inter-collegiate sports as opposed to buzzer bowl for a year gave
me a little perspective. It's fine to be intense
during a game; but realize that nobody cares if you beat
the spread or not - buzzer bowl is not even NCAA DI
Rowing or Water Polo. "
At Penn Bowl a few years
ago, I got a tossup in the last few seconds to tie a
game. I slammed my hand down so hard that the table
shook and my hand hurt.
At a Model United
Nations conference two years ago, the students I were
coaching won the university's first team award ever. All
of my students cheered very loudly and were stunned
that they won.
Just because a team's chosen
activity did not require that they run fast or throw a
ball accurately does not mean that their success is
any less valid or should deserve any less excitement
or recognition from the student body for their
accomplishments. A sport not being recognized by a school is not
necessarily competed at a lower level of intensity than one
that is.