Last summer I had the singular misfortune of seeing the Spike Lee joint/abortion entitled _Summer of Sam_, a film which I personally found exceptionally irritating for a variety of reasons (mostly involving disappointment at the direction of an artist whose hitherto excellent works- especially _X_ and _Mo' Better Blues_- had led to an expectation of excellence which was not fulfilled). Chief among these was the plethora of scenes in which the group of friends around whom the film is based would get together and invariably spew a torrent of vicious, mean-spirited, personal abuse at one of their members and, when that member chose to absent himself from their presence, would call after him (apparently incredulous) "Hey, where ya goin'?". That bothered me mightily, mostly because the action of affecting surprise at the abrupt exit of a friend who has been horribly insulted seems contrary to logic; if one does something repulsive to another, it stands to reason that there is going to be a reaction, and in this case the repulsive action is at very least meritorious of walking away, if not violence. Real people, it seemed to me while watching, would not act that way; if I walked up to an acquaintance and insinuated at the probable connubial relationship of his mother and a crowd of paying customers (i.e. "Your momma's a whore"), I would be more surprised if he chose to stick around (provided fisticuffs did not follow; him sticking around to take a swing at me wouldn't be shocking at all) than if he chose to stomp off, and the last thing I'd be inclined to do would be call after him, thuderstruck, "Hey, where ya goin'?". Why have I chosen to enter into this rant? Mainly because it seems to me that some people on the circuit and in this group seem to have been infected with the "Hey, where ya goin'?" syndrome; by this, I mean that they don't understand that when they write something objectionable, a consequence results which is often in the form of a written retort employing language somewhat more forceful than would be used by the Marquess of Queensbury. Further, several of these same people don't seem to understand that there is a memory of these objectionable statements that often will lead to unfavorable receptions of their later writings, especially if these writings contain similarly-objectionable statements. I find this extremely frustrating, as it seems to reveal a lack of understanding of cause and effect easily manifest in toddlers. Personally speaking, I don't care that there are often sharp words exchanged in this forum; we are most of us highy opinionated and passionate about this game, two ingredients which often make for a powerful cocktail. I hope that these exchanges do not drive off potential participants (either of discussion or QB), but can be understood to be the result more of passion than malevolence. But for heaven's sake, realise that if you say something controversial, there might very well be a pointed response. In short, be aware of the cause and effect relationship of what you say/write, and try not to be so astonished by it. Also, all of you are complete jerks. Hey, where ya goin'?
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