a couple of my worst:
At the 1999 Mad City
Masters I buzzed in after the words "saved maidens with
his fire-breathing breath" with "Farafnir";
apparently they were looking for "Brian Boitano."
don't recall which tournament it was, but I once negged
with "Frasch Process" when the answer was
At this year's Chicago Open we were playing
Hilleman, Hentzel and Pike and I buzzed in early then said
"Crap, it's not Adrianople." The moderator asked me if
that was my answer and I somehow said, "I have no
answer, I was thinking Adrianople but that's not it." Of
course, it was Adrianople. To make matters worse, it
would have been my fifth tossup in a row and would have
almost tied the match...of course we lost big anyway but
Finally, I'm sure like many others I've had the experience
several times of negging and then hearing my answer as
part of the question in the next couple words...my
favorite was this summer when I buzzed with "Elizabeth
Sitwell" only to have that be the very next 2
Oh well.....
Nathan Freeburg