Now let's go to Mike Ose and he'll tell you all
about it.
The University of Iowa Academic Quiz
Club is pleased to announce
2000 TRASH
Heartland Regional Tournament
University of Iowa
Campus, Iowa City, IA
Saturday, November 4,
and YOU are invited. This tournament will be run by
the U of I Quiz Team on Sat., Nov 4, 2000. Questions
will be provided by the fine folks at TRASH and most
excellent prizes will be awarded by the fine folks wearing
the black and gold*.
This tournament is open
to all teams; padawan, master, bastard; though, all
players must be vertebrates.
The fees are as
1st team from a school $75 (US)
Additional teams
The available discounts are as
Working buzzer system ($5)
Experienced Moderators
($10) (please contact me beforehand)
penalties include, and are currently limited
Bringing a clock or timer $10
If you have any
questions, or would like to reserve a spot now, contact Mike
Ose, Tournament Director, 2000 TRASH Heartland
Regional Tournament.
go hawks,
Mike Ose, TD,
michael-ose_at_... or
mdose_at_... - it's the same mailbox
*not the
Pittsburgh Steelers